How To Design A Squeeze Page


On another topic “What Is a squeeze Page“, I talked about the essential elements that How To Design A Squeeze Page make a good squeeze page. Today I will go through the elements and show how they should be organized in order to get the best squeeze page design that will result into high conversions. I am talking about how to design a squeeze page that is high converting. Before going through the elements, let us have a look at what all squeeze pages will generally require to have or look like.


Each squeeze page you design should be tailored to convince one specific target audience, as you will never be able to convince anyone to opt-in in your list if they are not the right candidate for it. You need to target an audience that you understand well: their needs, wants, frustrations and desires and tailor your squeeze page towards providing them with solutions.

It is very important that your squeeze pages have simple design and be attractive. Be careful with the use of colors and pay attention to contrast. Make sure to use inviting colors, an eye catching template and graphics.Too much clutter will distract the attention of your visitors defeating the ultimate purpose of your squeeze page. The squeeze page should contain no exit links to other pages, visitors have to either surrender their email address in order to continue or exit out of the site.

Now let us go through the elements of the squeeze page

An Attention Grabbing Title
The title or headline is probably the most important element of your squeeze page because it is the first thing your visitor will see and most people will make their decision to leave your site or continue reading after reading the headline. They have only about 10 seconds to make their decision so it should convince the visitors to continue reading. The headline, therefore, should be made to stand out by using alternate color, bigger font and centering it. It should answer the question which your visitor will have i.e it should offer a solution to his problem.

A brief explanation of the product or service
Content should easily be digestible and kept to a minimum. Provide only important information in a manner that it will easily be found and read. Too much of it drives away visitors and decreases conversions. This is very true for content above the fold.
Put all the squeeze page basics including the opt-in forms, bullet points, audios and videos above the fold. Add a more detailed keyword rich content and product information below the fold to give your squeeze page an SEO boost.

A bulleted list of benefits
The use of bullets to show the products you promote makes them more readable.

An image of the product
It is recommended to put an image of your product on the squeeze page

A signature or a picture of the owner

An enticing offer
You need to offer your prospects something worth surrendering an email address for, How To Design A Squeeze Page something enticing and useful to them. Your offer should be something they can’t resist like a short eBook, an Email course, a PDF report or video training. Your offer should be something they will use and not something they will have to use. The users will give you their email address if it is absolutely necessary for the offer. Here I mean you shouldn’t ask for their emails in exchange for something like a download file or a video because they know they don’t have to surrender their email address to watch a video or get the download file. They would rather go to Youtube and get the video. But if your offer is a short eBook, asking for their email will make more sense to them.

An optional video/Multimedia
The use of video and multimedia elements help to draw the attention of your prospects and can be used to give information that would otherwise have to be written on your squeeze page hence making your page cleaner.

An opt-in form with a call to action
It has been discovered that the more form fields are placed on a squeeze page, the less likely a prospect is to opt-in in your email list. The signup form should have a maximum of 2 fields, the name and email address. Preferably only one field the email field. A submit button should be included. Some marketers insist on having a name but only for the purpose of personalizing future emails. The call to action button should be big and made to stand out by making it a bright color like blue, red or yellow. Make sure you replace the default text “Submit” and other text like “Sign Up” with phrases like Free Instant Access, Get Free Access etc.

Please feel free to put your comments on the above post. I will be very happy to respond.


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