How To Get A High Page Rank On Google

search engine rankingDo you want your page to rank on the first page of the Google results? Then read and follow this page, you will do it. I will show you how to find keywords and how to organize your content to get a high page rank on Google and other search engines.

One of the most important factors in the ranking of your page is Keywords. Find your keyword starting from Google using the Google instant technique, these are the search terms which people type while searching to solve their problems. Go for long-tailed keywords i.e keywords comprising of many words, three or more.

How to get a high page rank on GoogleSend your keyword to a keyword tool to find how many search queries it gets in a week or month. The higher the number of searches it gets the better, but what is your competition or how many pages have been indexed for it? No use to go for a keyword with a very high competition unless you are prepared for advanced SEO techniques.


To get an idea of your competition, find the QSR for the search term. A keyword with a QSR of less than 100 stands a good chance of ranking on the first page. Being long-tailed, chances are, it will have a small number of searches. To start with anything from 50 searches per month isn’t bad. We call this the “low hanging fruit search term” – low traffic but low competition. The keyword on my title for this page has 150 searches per month and a QSR of 21.


SEO Tips For Your Page Content

1. Use your targeted keyword for your title and include it in your first paragraph. Write the rest of your content naturally using terms that relate to your main keyword. Along the way many other terms will be indexed, don’t try to force the use your keyword repetitively.

2. Use headlines to prelude your content. I find the use of H2 or H3 tags useful. Your headlines should not be too long, wrapping makes it difficult to read.

3. Use small blocks of paragraphs they make it easier to read.

2. The use of relevant images is very important. Images form a visual representation of what you’re talking about. Use screenshots of products and services.

4. Write your content as if you were talking to a person. Stimulate engagement throughout and allow questions and comments from your readers.

If you have any questions or comments on the above topic, feel free to leave them here below. I will be more happy to answer them.



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