Mafunzo ya budiman septemba 7, 2016


Pamoja na kuwa kampuni ya Green World inatoa nyezo nyingi za aina tofauti ili kuwawezesha wanachama wake kufanya kazi kwa ufanisi, haijasahau kuhakikisha kuwa mafunzo ya kina yanatolewa kwa wanachama wake. Kuna mafunzo yanayotolewa mara kwa mara katika ofisi za kampuni hiyo, na mara chache, analetwa mkufunzi wa nje ili wanachama wake wapate uzoefu wa nchi nyingine katika kuifanya biashara ya kampuni hiyo.

Kuanzia leo tarehe 7 Septemba 2016, mkufunzi mkuu wa kampuni mwenye makao yake makuu kwenye mji wa Ontario Canada, ndugu Budiman, ameanza mafunzo katika ofisi ya kampuni hiyo iliyoko eneo la Upanga, makabala na makao makuu ya JWTZ. Mafunzo haya yatafululiza kwa kipindi cha takribani mwezi mmoja. Mafunzo yatatolewa kwa wanachama wapya, na kuna mafunzo ya viongozi – wale ambao tayari wamekuwepo ndani ya kampuni hiyo kwa kipindi kirefu na waliofikia ngazi za juu. Lengo ni kuhakikisha kuwa wanachama wote wanaijua vizuri biashara ya kampuni hiyo na kuwawezesha kuifanya kwa ufanisi zaidi.

Mafunzo yataendelea katika ofisi ya kampuni hii kila siku nne za kwanza za wiki, yaani, jumatatu hadi alhamisi.

Katika kuhakikisha kuwa wanachama walio nje ya Dar Es Salaam nao wanapata mafunzo hayo, mkufunzi huyu ataelekea katika miji ya Dodoma, Mwanza, Mbeya na Arusha. Ratiba ya nje ya Dar Es Salaam kwa sasa hivi ni kama ifuatavyo:


Dodoma – 10/9/2016
Mwanza – 17/9/2016 – Gold Crest Hotel
Mbeya  - 24/9/2016
Arusha – 1/10/2016


Kama wewe ni mtu unayependa kuona kuwa umetimiza ndoto zako za kufikia maisha ya uhuru, usikose kuhudhuria semina hizi za mmoja wa wakufunzi wanaoheshimika katika dunia hii. Gharama za kuhudhuria semina hizi ambazo zina thamani ya dola nyingi ni BURE – kwa hisani ya ndugu Budiman.

Wanachama hai wa kampuni ya Green World wanakumbushwa kuwa hakuna nafasi ya kuilinganisha na hii katika kujenga jumuia zao za wafanya biashara wa Green World. Wanaombwa kuhakikisha kuwa wanawapa taarifa watu wengi kadri watakavyoweza.



Sababu Za Kushindwa Kwenye Biashara Za Mtandao




Mimi binafsi nilianza biashara za kwenye mtandao (Internet Marketing) mwishoni mwa mwaka 2012. Nilijiunga na makampuni kadhaa ya Marekani, Canada na Uingereza na aina ya biashara niliyofanya wakati huo ilikuwa zaidi ni Affiliate Marketing. Wale ambao wapo SFI (Strong Future International) – nafahamu watanzania, waganda, wanyarwanda na wakenya wengi ni wanachamama wa SFI – wanafahamu maana ya affiliate marketing. Kampuni nyingine ni Worm Vegas (Word of Mouth Convention) na ParadoxCash. Nilifanikiwa kuanza kupata pesa kiasi na kujifunza mambo mengi sana ya ujenzi wa tovuti, search engine optimization, webpage creation, social media marketing na mengineyo. Lazima nikiri kuwa nilipata mengi sana na kwamba wenzetu wapo mbali sana. Moja ya tovuti zangu iliyopata umaarufu sana ni Home Based Business Training (2014).

Nilianza biashara hapa Tanzania mwishoni mwa mwaka 2014, nilibadilika na kufanya Network Marketing kwa sababu ndiyo iliyopo hapa kwetu na bado naendelea na biashara hiyo hadi sasa.

Kuna baadhi ya watanzania wachache wameachana kabisa na umaskini kwa kufanya biashara hii ya mtandao wakati wengi bado wanahangaika sana. Nchin Afrika ya Kusini, watu walioachana na umaskini ni wengi zaidi na huko Nigeria kuna mabilionea waliotokana na biashara hii. Nilipata wazo la kuchunguza ni kwa nini watu wengi hapa kwetu wanashindwa kupata mafanikio kwenye biashara hii, ndipo nilipoisoma mada moja iliyoandikwa na ndugu Beverly Nadler – The Reasons People Don’t Succeed. Mada hii ilinigusa sana kwa sababu niliona inalifafanua tatizo la huku kwetu kwa asilimia 100 na nikaamua kuitafsiri ili wapenda maendeleo wengine wote waweze kunufaika nayo. Nasema wapenda maendeleo wote, kwa sababu yaliyoandikwa hapa yanahusu biashara nyingine ya aina yo yote. Kimsingi, nimechukua vichwa vya habari kama alivyoviandika lakini katika ufafanuzi mara nyingine nimeingiza mawazo yangu kama mimi binafsi nilivyoona hali inavyokwenda hapa Tanzania.

Kwa Nini Watu Wanashindwa?

Ndugu Nadler alianza kwa kuelezea baadhi ya sababu za watu kushindwa kwenye biashara za mtandao lakini akatoa tahadhali kuwa pamoja na kwamba inabidi kuwa mwangalifu na sababu hizi, bado hizi si sababu kuu. Sababu hizi zinachochangia tatizo kwa maoni yake ni:

Kutotumia Vizuri Nyenzo Za Kampuni

Watu wanashindwa kupata mafanikio kwa sababu ya kutotumia nyenzo zinazotolewa na kampuni. Makampuni mengi sasa hivi (tofauti na miaka ya nyuma), yanatoa nyenzo nyingi za kazi, wakati wa kukiunga na kampuni na baada ya kujiunga. Vinaweza kuwa vipeperushi, CD, vitabu na hata software. Watu wengi huvifungia ndani vitu hivi bila ya kuvitumia hata siku moja.
Katika moja ya kampuni niliyojiunga, nilistaajabu kuona hata upline member wangu hajui compensation plan ya kampuni yetu. Si hili tu, hakujua hata kama kuna ppts nyingi zilizotolewa kwa ajili ya mafunzo.
Kama hujui compensation plan ya kampuni yako, unachokifanya ni nini? Kampuni zote za mtandao zina njia nyingi za kupatia pesa, ikiwa huijui compenstion plan, umelengaje kupata pesa katika kampuni unayofanya nayo kazi?
Unapomweleza mtu kuhusu fursa ya kampuni yako, mtu hukupima uelewa wako na jinsi unavyokiamini unachokisema. Kumbuka kuwa watu wengine unaowapa fursa wamekwisha fanya kazi na kampuni nyingine. Unatoaje presentation ya kampuni yako ukaeleweka kama huna ppt au nyenzo nyingine inayoeleweka?
Kwa hili mimi nakubaliana kabisa na mwandishi wa ile mada. Sababu ya msingi hapa ni kwamba, msingi wa biashara ya mtandao yo yote ni duplication, yaani mwenyeji kumfundisha mgeni kile anachokifahamu, na hivyo hivyo zoezi hilo kuendelea kizazi hadi kizazi.
Kama tunahitaji kufanikiwa, inatubidi kubadilika na kuwa wasomaji na wapekuzi wa kujua undani wa biashara tunazozifanya.


Watu wengine wameshanaswa kwenye ugojwa wa “kuvizia mpya”, wakisikia fursa mpya tu, wanakuwa wa kwanza kwenda kujiunga. Hakuna kazi wanayoweza kufanya kwa sababu mpya ni nyingi na zitaendelea kutoka.
Ushauri kwa kundi hili ni kukaa chini na kutafakari kuhusu wanachofonya, kwa sababu bila kificho, kundi hili la watu kamwe halitakuja kuona mafanikio kwenye biashara hizi.

Kukosa Muda wa Kutosha

Kuna watu wanaopenda kufanya biashara za mtandao lakini wana biashara nyingine, ajira au shughuli nyingine zinazowabana na kukosa muda wa kuzihudumia biashara zao za mtandao. Hapa kwa kweli sio kosa lao. Labda moja ya ushauri wa kuwapa ni kuwa na mtu atakayefanya kazi kwa niaba yao na kuomba msaada kutoka kwa upline member.

Kutochagua Vizuri Kampuni

Kuna vigezo vingi ambavyo mtu anatakiwa avitazame kabla ya kujiunga na kampuni ya mtandao. Kwanza ni kujua historia ya mmiliki wa kampuni na ya kampuni yenyewe. ukijiunga na kampuni ambayo imeanza na kufa wewe ukiwemo ndani yake, maoni yako yatakuwa, biashara za mtandao ni za kitapeli, wakati biashara kuanza na kushindwa ni kitu cha kawaida. Wengi hujiunga tu bila kufanya uchunguzi.

Watu wengine wanashindwa kwa sababu wanajiunga na biashra ambazo haziwafai. Mfano mzuri ni pale mtu anapojiunga na kampuni ambayo bidhaa zake yeye mwenyewe binafsi hazipendi.

Kuna watu ambao biashara za mtandao haziwafai kabisa. Kuwauzia watu wengine bidhaa ni kitu ambacho hakipo kabisa ndani ya damu yao. si kituu cha ajabu kwa sababu si kila kitu kitamfaa kila mtu.

Mwandishi, Beverly Nadler, anaamini na kuandika kuwa sababu hizi SIYO SABABU KUU za watu kushindwa katika biashara za mtandao. Yeye anamini kuwa sababu kubwa ni kuwa na mtazamo chanya, mazoea tofauti na mpangilio wa akili ulio tofauti na mambo ya biashara. Kwa lugha yake mwenyewe;

The real reason most people fail is because they have the wrong “mind-set”, conditioning and programming.

Anaamini kuwa kuna pengo la kuzibwa katika mafunzo wanayopewa wanachama wapya wanapojiunga na makampuni ya biashara za mtadao. Watu wengi hujiunga wakiwa au wakitokea kwenye ajira ambako mtizamo wao ni wa kuajiriwa – job or employee “mind-set. Hawajafunzwa kuwa na fikra au kuwa na tabia za mfanyabiashra kibiashara. Inatakiwa watu haw wapikwe (kupewa mafunzo ya kisaikolojia) ili waweze kuwa na akili ya kibiashara.

Kifupi, inapasa watu hawa kufundishwa ili kwa utashi wao:

1. Waweze kujiamini na kuanza kuona kuwa wana uwezo wa kufanya biashara
2. Waiamini biashara ya mtandao,na kutokwa na mawazo ya kuwa si biashara halali
3. Waiamini kampuni wanayojiunga nayo na ubora wa bidhaa/huduma zinazotolewa.

Usisite kutoa maoni yakoau kuuliza maswali kuhusu mada yetu ya leo. Tutafurahi sana kuona kuwa tumekujibu na kwa wakati mwafaka.




How Can You Make Money Blogging?


Blogging is without doubt one of the many ways of making money on the internet.Think of the internet as a marketing medium that is working 24/7 and anyone can use it to access more than 2 billion people using it all over the world. The internet is a global marketing medium. People from all corners of the world come to the internet to look for useful information. They may want information for research purposes or to solve their problems.

How Can You Make Money Blogging?

What Is Required To Make Money Blogging?

All people do blog on the web in the same way but they do so for a variety of reasons. The largest group of them do blog just for fun, writing content about their lives and hobbies not expecting any form of compensation from their work. Some bloggers have their own products and use their blogs to promote them. As a result the incomes which bloggers earn out of their efforts vary and are dependent on many factors. Some get incomes just enough to supplement their weekly earnings while some have managed to become full-timers earning their entire income from blogging.

Now let’s have a look at what is required to make money out of blogging

1. Choose a good niche and a good domain name that tell the people what your blog is about. Preferably, your niche should be a subject area you are knowledgeable about and one you are passionate about. Narrow down your niche to a specific niche to reduce competition. Rather than writing on “Weight Loss”, go for a narrower niche like “Loosing weight while eating”.

2. Now this is the important part; to make money blogging, write content on your blog to solve real problems.You must first have a solid understanding of your niche market, what they want or what are their problems and how they can find you and then give useful information that will solve their problems. If you don’t offer your prospects something valuable or that will solve their real problems, there is little or no chance at all of you making money blogging online.

make money blogging

Ways To Make Money From Blogging

When you have your blog in place that draws considerable traffic, a number of methods can be applied to monetize it. It’s worth to note here that every blog is unique on how it can make money. Not all methods work equally well to all blogs. It’s upon you, the blogger, to experiment and find out which methods work best for you. I have listed a few methods here below but there are many more you can try depending on the type of your blog.

1. Affiliate Programs You can make money through affiliate marketing by referring interested visitors of your blog to product vendors. When they make a purchase you get a commission.

2. Adsense  Apply for Google’s AdSense, and get paid whenever the publishers’ ads are clicked for further information on your blog. Adsense is a free service that is offered by Google. Learn how best to write your content and other tips to earn more money from AdSense.

3. Amazon Amazon is a popular affiliate program with a variety of products. You can join them for free and get commissions whenever you make sales from your site.

4. Chitika Chitika is another advertizing company which you can join for free and get paid when visitors click on the ads placed on your site.

What are the other methods you use to make money online through your blog and do work well for you? Please feel free to share.


7 Tips for Search Engine Optimisation


The factors that will determine your search engine ranking for your web page are Tips for SEOnumerous. If you have a web page and been wondering why it doesn’t rank high in the SERP(s) you may check here to see what may be the reasons. Or if you want to get a page published, you can check here before you do it to make sure you’re in the right direction. Let it be known that there are always debates even among the experts as to what exactly are the algorithms that are used by the major seach engines for optimisation purposes. What I’m writing here is what many came to agree basing on different trials. The order in which I am discussing them is random and may not reflect to any order of their importance.

1. Targeted Keyword In The Meta Title
It is believed that many search engines when matching keywords, search the content of the title first. It is therefore important to make sure you include your keyword or key phrases in the title.

2. Targeted Keyword In The Meta Description
The Meta description serves the purpose of a brief description of what your site is talking about. A well constructed and meaningful keyword loaded description will motivate readers to visit your site.

3. Targeted Keyword In The Content
Your targeted keyword should appear at least once in your first paragraph and again in your content. It was once, and some still believe in a keyword density of 2-3% meaning that in a paragraph of 600 words you should have at least 12 keywords. But many now believe that that would have an adverse effect on your page ranking and that writing content on keywords may turn your content ackward to read. They advise on letting words flow naturally, believing that if you you stick to your main keyword there are many related keywords (LSIs) that will picked on the way for ranking.

4. Targeted Keyword In The URL
Some search engines will use your URLin the search engine listings. It’s therefore a good idea to include your targeted keyword in the URL.

5. Quality of Inbound Links
The number of, and quality of inbound links or backlinks have effect on your web page ranking. Your site gets a higher rank if it gets backlinks from sites with a high PR ( a PR of 5 or above), if it gets backlinks from authority sites and when it gets them from related sites.

6. Total Social Shares
The number of shares from the social sites has a role in the search engine ranking of your page specially from Google Plus.

7. Age Of Domain
The older the domain name the better. I put this fact here just to let you know that age of a domain has a role in SEO, knowing that you cannot do anything to the age of your domain.

Feel free to ask questions and drop comments, I will be more than happy to answer back.



Wealthy Affiliate Review

Company Name:  Wealthy Affiliate
Website:               www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Price:                    .0$  Free Starter Membership
Owner:                  Kyle&Carson
Owner City:           Victoria,British Columbia,Canada.
Overall Rank:        95 out of 100


Wealthy Affiliate Review


Wealthy Affiliate is a company which was founded by Kyle and Carson in 2005.
It provides software solutions for web applications and offers training training
in internet marketing.It connects with hundreds of thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs
and businesses worldwide.


Wealthy affiliate provides two options in its training,in its first the trainee
decides to set a website(s) to promote a business based on a niche of his preference.He could also go for the second to promote Wealthy Affiliate.The program is highly organized into classes and a variety of teaching methods are used including video training and tutorials.The courses are task based and plenty of room is given for participation into interactive discussions.


Wealthy Affiliate offers world-class support

. There’s live chat 24/7.
. Interactive discussions
. Live questions and answers periods
. Access to community experts
. Private support by the owner


Wealthy Affiliate provides tools to support in the training, building and promoting one’s websites. A few of them are listed here below:
. Keyword research tool
. WordPress Express builder
. State of the art, Unlimited Cloud Hosting (for Premium Members)
. Access to over 1400 web templates/themes
. Rapid Writer

Wealthy Affiliate Review


. All levels of training available
. Unlimited video training and tutorials
. 13+ full interactive classrooms
. 10,000′s of community members
. 2 free websites
. State of the art Hosting
. Access to industry experts
. A strict spam free environment
. $0 Starter membership


. Complex website


I would personally recommend this program to anyone who aspires to create his own online business or seeks help with an online business he is already running. It’s an extensive program which takes you through all vital steps of internet marketing and at all levels. It is suited both for the beginner and the pro,furthermore it’s one of the very rare programs which allow you to start earning while you learn.

Starter Membership o$ (Join Here)

Please feel free to put any questions or comments you have here below, I will be more than happy to answer them.
